Fairbanks, Alaska

Fairbanks, Alaska (1)

Where I am currently calling home and have come to know quite well in the past 13 months + 2 visits prior to moving. The city of Fairbanks is located in Interior Alaska about 6-7 hours from any shoreline or Canada. It’s essentially the northern most significant sized, incorporated city in Alaska (and in the United States). There are establishments farther North, such as Barrow and Prudhoe Bay, but they’re considered villages dominated by either Native Alaskans or people in the oil industry. If you’re looking for the last stop before the end of the world? Fairbanks is your place.


University of Alaska – Fairbanks overlook in the fall. Photo courtesy of my handsome husband.

The city is not generally on people’s lists of places to visit when planning their epic vacation to Alaska. Fairbanks and the neighboring city of North Pole rest in a valley – The Tanana River Valley and it’s unlikely you’ll see very many mountains during your stay here. But that’s not to say it doesn’t offer it’s own set of charms, and as someone living here long term (2 years), I’ve discovered it’s the perfect gateway to the rest of beautiful Alaska. What To See/DoEnjoy 24 hour sun-light This takes the cake for me. From early June to mid July, Fairbanks never gets dark. Literally. The sun will go “down” around midnight (or later depending on how close we are to June 21st) and the sky turns to a grey dusk and stays that way until around 3 am when the sun rises again. I discovered two weeks ago when friends came to visit, that the never-ending sun kept us up hours later than planned and seriously depleted our sleep intake. We jammed so many activities into our week together thanks to the sunlight, it was great. Marvel at the light. This phenomenon occurs across Alaska, but it’s best the farther North you are, so Fairbanks wins. – Hike Angel Rocks A beautiful, moderately easy 3 mile loop ascends to these gorgeous rock formations and overlooks the rolling hills and faraway mountains of Interior Alaska. It’s an easy way to see beautiful Interior Alaska from up high and get a feel for how much bigger the sky actually is from on top of the world. The rock formations are fun to climb on, and the trail is about what one would picture for an Alaskan hike. Highly recommended. $5 needed to park in the State Park lot, but restrooms are available. BRING BUG SPRAY.


Hiking Angel Rocks on Easter

Kayak Chena Lakes Recreation Area or the Chena River Rent a kayak, and either hit the river or the lakes. The water flowing down stream makes the effort of kayaking much easier on the Chena River, but the rental area for the river is about a leisurely two hour kayak from where you bring the boat out of the water and we were left wanting a little more. We’ve rented kayaks from the Chena Lakes Recreation Area (hourly instead of a certain distance), and have enjoyed making our way around the lake system at our own pace even though it required more effort. The lakes offer more privacy and more animal life, in contrast to the river that flows through town. Either is a lot of fun, but I would recommend Chena Lakes. If you kayak out far enough at the Lakes you can see the mountains in the distance, and the view is pretty gorgeous on a warm summer day.


Kayaking the Chena River last summer.

Chena Hot Springs This little oasis is about a 40 minute drive out of town at a natural hot spring. It’s best to visit from October – March when it’s snow covered and chilly, since the Hot Springs are HOT. Besides just the large, steamy outdoor rock springs, there’s also an indoor pool and hot tub with the same water, an ice museum where you’re served martinis in ice glasses, a little Alaskan restaurant, and a hotel. Note: I’ve been told and based on my own research, the hotel does not seem worth the price.


Chena Hot Springs in March. This was around 15 degrees.

North Pole, AK Because going to a town named the North Pole, and popping into the Santa Clause House constantly filled with everything Christmas decoration your heart can imagine, seeing reindeer, and taking pictures of the candy cane themed lamp posts is a once-in-a-lifetime thing even if it isn’t that spectacular and probably overrated. It’s still cute. This little town is actually where my husband and I reside, but we’re on the edge closest to Fairbanks. Where To Eat Ranked according to my favorites! (Disclaimer: Apparently Fairbanks has the best Thai around, but I detest Thai food so I am not listing those. Refer to Trip Advisor’s Fairbanks Restaurant Reviews for the Thai restaurants or if I have any requests, I’ll ask my husband who has tried every place in town) Dinner 1. The Silver Gulch Brewery & Resturant – Great food, great beer, Alaskan atmosphere, a surprisingly nice-looking restaurant on the inside with a gift shop. $15-$20 per meal. This is our go to. 2. Lavelle’s 3. Geraldo’s 4. The Turtle Club 5. Pike’s Landing Lunch 1. Ajimi – BEST sushi I have ever had. Hands down. I don’t mean that lightly. I’m a huge fan, and my Thai-loving, Sushi-hating husband tags along for their other dishes. 2. The Chowder House 3. Bad 2 Da Bone Barbecue


Sushi Roll at Ajimi. So delicious.

Breakfast  1. The Cookie Jar – I’m an at-home breakfast kinda-gal. I rather sleep in on Saturdays and Sundays, but if I do find the energy to go out, The Cookie Jar’s breakfasts are where it’s at. Try the cinnamon roll french toast. To die for. 2. Sunrise Bagel & Espresso Dessert 1. College Town Creamery – The gelato. Forget the fro-yo and the crepes. Just eat the homemade gelato. 2. The Fudge Pot 3. Hot Licks Homemade Ice Cream Where To Stay  This is a trickier one to answer since we’ve only stayed at two hotels, but I’ve gotten feedback from a couple friends who’ve stayed at hotels throughout Fairbanks as well. If you can get on post (military, ex-military), The Holiday Inn Express, is great. Very nice, very reasonably priced for Alaskan hotels, and close to all activities and/or amenities. SKIP the Alpine Lodge. Yes, it’s next to the airport but that’s about all it offers. Terrible breakfasts. Mediocre rooms. Mediocre food in the hotel restaurant. Friends have recommended Pike’s Waterfront Lodge and The Westmark. Hampton Inn & Suites is the #1 rated hotel in Fairbanks and if you’ve ever stayed at a Hampton Inn & Suites before – I assume it’s similar. This hotel is situated directly next to fast food and our strip mall with – Lowe’s, Wal-Mart, Old Navy, Sports Authority, Famous Footwear, Sportsmans, and Barnes & Noble. Great if you’re looking to be next to “things”, probably a negative if you’re looking for a “getaway”. In Conclusion If you find yourself in Fairbanks to visit family, because the military brings you here, or if it’s one of the stops on your Alaskan vacation – there’s Alaskan charm and beauty to be found in this seemingly boring town. It took me awhile to appreciate everything Fairbanks had to offer, but I’m pretty fond of all the memories I’ve made thanks to living here this past year. Have you been thinking of coming to Alaska? Would Fairbanks make your list? If not, you’re bound to love the other places I’ve visited throughout Alaska that I can’t wait to share! Camille Mae (2)  

Write about what you love

When I was six years old and lying on the top bunk of the bunk bed I shared with my older sister, I looked up from the illustrated children’s book I was reading and asked my mom how I could write a book some day. Her answer was simple as she bid both my sister and I good night, “Write about what you love.”


I’ve carried that sentiment with me my entire life, from journals, to essays, to novel ideas, and now to this blog – I write about what I love.

And I love a lot of things. Dogs that greet strangers, city skylines, s’mores, running next to bodies of water, listening to loud music on the way to work, my best friend, finding and trying healthy recipes for my husband and I, Crossfit, mountains, my nieces, the list goes on.

But the two things I’ve always loved, for as long as I can remember, are books and new places. I spent my childhood in the smallest of small towns. The population of my hometown was 102 people when I left at 18 and I doubt it’s grown much since. I spent those first 18 years dreaming of far away places and planning out how I’d reach all of them. Books and the idea of traveling kept me sane amid the Northern Minnesotan forests and farms that I wished were big cities and mountains.

I poured over books as a kid, shutting off my bedside lamp and pretending to go to bed when my parents told me to, and then clicking it back on as soon as I heard their bedroom door close. I still adore reading and am constantly pouring over YA series like Harry Potter and Divergent, the classics like Bram Stoker’s Dracula and A Tree Grows in Brooklyn, crime thrillers like J.K. Rowling’s pseudonym’s series – The Cuckoo’s Calling and The Silkworm, and even some non-fiction intensity like The Night of the Gun by David Carr.

The traveling bug on the other hand bit me at a much older age, when I took my first flight to Washington D.C. (the only place I’d ever been outside Minnesota and Wisconsin) at 15 years old and fell deeply in love with airports, cities, history, and culture. I was fascinated by the fast paced life and quick speech of Easterners compared to my calm, vowel-holding upbringing in the Northern Midwest. I wanted to know everything about everyone who lived there, and see all there possibly was to see. That feeling has never left me.

My 15 year old photography skills may have been lacking, but this trip through my young teenage ages changed my life.

My 15 year old photography skills may have been lacking, but this trip changed my life.

Now, at 22 years old, I live in Alaska. I guess you could say I followed my dreams and followed them far. Since my trip to D.C., I’ve been to 3 of the 4 edges of the country – Miami, Florida, Maui, Hawaii, and now Fairbanks, Alaska (Maine is on the list!). I’ve also been to numerous other destinations that you can find here, but I know I’ve barely scraped the surface. I mean I have yet to get a passport!

Since 15 years old I’ve also read loads more books, and traveled into the minds and worlds of characters who have stolen my heart and changed my way of thinking.

What I love most about travel and reading is the endless opportunities. Both are never ending. No one can visit every place on earth or read every book, but in our short lives we can try our best to do both. We can visit a new place whenever we’re feeling adventurous, and explore a new world through another’s words whenever we need to be calm. The opportunities are endless.

In this blog, I intend to share my stories of where I’ve traveled and explore the places I’d like to travel. I’ll share reviews of my latest reads and always let you know what I’m currently reading. I’ll probably mention my husband a bit and our experience living in Fairbanks, Alaska even more.

Feel free to ask me any questions along the way! Oh, and this is me:


This was taken by my husband just after hiking to the overlook of Mt. Healy in Denali National Park last September. I actually reached the summit two weeks ago, and I can’t wait to share photos of that hike (much less layering was required).

I’m too excited about the potential for this blog. Thanks for reading, y’all!


Camille Mae (2)