Proper Introductions

Welcome to Wanders & Words.

I’m Camille Mae! I’m a twenty-two year old living in Fairbanks, Alaska, working at an advertising agency, married to my dream man, and blogging about my love for travel and books.

Most recent photo I could find, kayaking Chena Lakes Recreation Area in Interior Alaska.

Most recent photo I could find, kayaking Chena Lakes Recreation Area in Interior Alaska.



I came to Alaska by way of my husband in the US Army. We were married on May 26, 2013, the weekend after I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in PR from the University of Minnesota. Go Gophers!



I lived in Minnesota for the first 21 years of my life and made a huge leap moving 3,000 miles away from everything and everyone I ever known. Luckily the state of Alaska is gorgeous and the adventures I’ve made here have more than made up for any bout of homesickness I’ve experienced.


Seward, Alaska


Besides what I write about here, I’m in love with a quite of few other things including (but most definitely not limited to): my husband, petting every dog I can find, Crossfit, my best friend, politics, running, the beach, cooking up mostly organic half-way healthy meals, my two sweet baby nieces, hiking, city skylines, s’mores, water sports, and much more.

I’ve never been big into fashion, decorating, or materialism. My passion has always been in experiences and moments, which is why reading and traveling has always had my heart.

Feel free to ask me anything!

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